About the Library

The medical library supports instruction, research, and extension activities of the college. Housed in the second floor of the Roxas Hall, the air conditioned library has 114 seating capacity to accommodate our library clients. Its holdings consist of books, periodicals, bound periodicals, non-book materials (guides, manuals, handbook, modules etc.), vertical files, audio-visual materials (slides, VHS, CD-ROMs), as well as HERDIN. The books are classified and catalogued using the AACR2 (Anglo-American Cataloging Rules) 2nd edition. The library starts using the RDA (Resource Description and Access (RDA) to its newly acquired resources. The library follows the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) System and uses Medical Subject Headings (MESH). Periodicals, research papers, and vertical files are indexed using MESH. The library adopts an open access system that allows the users to browse and select books from the shelves. Book titles are searchable from the conventional card catalog and encoded in the Destiny Library Management System for Online Public Access Cataloging (OPAC). The card catalog offers author, subject, and title approaches to book holdings of the library. Books are shelved by type of collection (reference, reserved, and general circulation) and are arranged based on the DDC system.