Borrowing Rights & Responsibility

Borrowing Rights and Responsibility


Reserve Section Books

Reserve books may be signed out for overnight use after 1:00 p.m. and shall be returned not later than 10:00 a.m. the following day. In case the due date falls on Saturdays, Sundays, or Holidays, the books shall be returned the next school day. A student who fails to return a reserve book on time is subject to one week suspension of library privileges.

Reservation of books is on a first come-first serve basis. Those who would like to reserve books should write their names on the logbook at the loan desk. A student can borrow only one reserve book overnight.


Circulation Section Books

Books from the circulation section can be loaned out for three (3) days. The loan may be renewed up to three times unless there is prior request from other users to borrow them.

Request for renewal must be performed personally by the borrower together with the physical presentation of the borrowed books. A student can borrow only two (2) circulation books at a time.