Discussion rooms are available for currently enrolled students and faculty. Inquiries for the use of these rooms should be made at the counter of the COM Library with librarian or library staff in-charge.
Students who want to use the Discussion Rooms are subject to the following regulations:
- The use of the Discussion Room is free for library users (currently enrolled college students and, faculty members, non-academic employees).
- Reservation maybe made one (1-2) hours before use.
- Minimum of 4 PERSONS, maximum of 6 PERSONS ONLY. The group may stay for a maximum of 2 hours.
- Non-appearance after fifteen (15) minutes from time of reservation may mean cancellation of your slot.
- The leader of the group is required to write his/her name, and time-in in the log-book.
- The rooms must not be used for activities that are likely to disturb regular library functions. The library expects the students to be considerate of library patrons and activities. The library reserves the right to stop meetings that are disruptive to normal library operations. Making excessive noise, talking loudly, using phones or audio equipment in a way that may disturb others, are strictly prohibited.
- To maintain cleanliness and orderliness of the Area any forms of artwork such as drawing, painting, props-making and other related activities are NOT ALLOWED.
- Eating & drinking are strictly prohibited.
*Failure to comply with the above mentioned regulations may mean cancellation of your rights to use the Area.