- New students and/or qualified transferees are admitted only to the first year class in the first semester.
- Application for admission starts and ends on the dates set by the College.
- Application forms may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar of the College of Medicine or downloaded from the official website of the College com.wvsu.edu.ph. A hard copy of the completed application form shall be submitted to the Office of the Registrar of the College of Medicine.
- Application shall also be filed electronically at the official website of the University iuis.wvsu.edu.ph/aims
- Application fee may be in cash or through Postal Money Order payable to West Visayas State University. Make sure that there are no corrections alterations in the check otherwise the University cashier will not honor the payment. Personal checks are not accepted.
- Application requirements may be submitted personally, thru authorized representatives, or thru mail/courier addressed to:
c/o Registrar’s Office
West Visayas State University
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Tel. #033 320-0881 / 033 320-0870 loc. 1503 - The official application form must be accompanied by:
- Machine Copy of NMAT results (at least 70%ILE)
- Original or certified true copy of Transcript of Records
- 2 pieces, 2×2 ID picture (taken within 6 months)
- Copy of latest Income Tax Return of parents
- Copy of live birth certificate from the Phil. Statistics Authority (PSA)
- Certificate of Residency or Voter’s ID
- Certificates of Good Moral Character from the following personnel of the institution where he/she graduated or is presently enrolled:
- Guidance Counselor or the Dean
- Professor
- Application fee (₱400.00) or its official receipt
- For graduates of private schools, the Transcript of Records is validated by a Special order from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). For graduates of public schools, the diploma and Certificate of Graduation must be presented.
- Accepted applicants who are eligible to enroll for the incoming school year must confirm their respective slots on a date specified by the College.
- Accepted applicants must pass the Physical Examination to be conducted by the West Visayas State University Medical Center physicians and University dentist.
- Upon enrollment, the following documents must be submitted:
- Original copy of Honorable dismissal
- Original copy of NMAT result
- Original copy of Transcript of Records
- Certificate of Good Moral Character (issued within 3 months of date of application)
- Certificate of Graduation
- Certificate of Live Birth form PSA
- Physical and Dental Examination results
- Updated Immunization Record
- Special order for graduates of Private Schools
- Notarized copy of the Return Service Obligation Policy form
- Foreign students must comply with the requirements of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
- Students qualified for admission are considered officially registered only upon payment of fees.
Click here to download an Application Form
For further information, you may contact the Office of the Registrar of the College of Medicine at 320-0881 or 320-0870-78 loc. 1503 or email at wvsu_comedicine@yahoo.com
Thank you.